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My Stack My Story: Prerna Sethi Commemorates Values & Dreams with Stacking Rings

Closeup photo of Prerna's hands. Prerna is wearing her Sethi Stack and a wristwatch.

Stacking for Each Stage

The beginning of my collection of stacking rings all started with the anticipation of a new stage in my life. I left California right after college to start my first job in fashion in Ohio. While I was not thrilled about moving to Ohio, it was a dream job in my early 20s and I was excited to leave the comfort of my home in California to explore this new chapter.

Family photo of Prerna with her husband and daughter  Family photo of Prerna with her husband and daughter
Family photo of Prerna with her daughter  Family photo of Prerna with her husband and daughter

From My Sister: The First Sethi Stacking Ring

When I left for Ohio, my sister gifted me my very first Sethi stacking ring. This is where Sethi Stacks all began. She had made this first Channel White Diamond Band in white gold, with engraving on the side as a way for me to remember this important milestone. It was a ring that reminded me of my family, especially my sister, as if they were there beside me as I navigated the uncertainties of living in a new state. This was a piece of my home in California I could carry with me, a comforting presence while I steered the unfamiliar state of Ohio.

Family photo of Prerna with husband and daughter

While I now evolve the stacking rings I wear depending on the phase in my life, I often notice they represent a mix that gives me comfort. Currently, my rings are a blend of the old and new. I recently began to wear an emerald-cut diamond ring from my mom who recently passed away. It makes me feel her energy in a way I could not have imagined. I wear the Link Diamond Two-Tone Gold Band on my index finger, which for me has always symbolized interconnectedness. This band has a bit of architectural sensibility which I love for my passion and studies in architecture.

On my right hand, I often wear two of my wedding bands that my husband and I made by hand before our wedding date, which obviously reminds me of him and the life we are building together. I often stack these rings with the Channel White Diamond Band that my sister gifted to me along with the Heritage Baguette Diamond Band in the center. The Heritage Baguette Diamond Band was my gift to myself as a single woman before meeting my husband. I was celebrating the life I had built, my career, and my self-discovery.

Photo of Prerna

For me, stacking can be a continuous evolution. I often say that trends come and go but style evolves and stacking rings is the best way to evolve your style. While you may not always see me wearing the same stacking rings, they all have a little story behind them that makes me feel connected and reminded of the things that are most important to me. My little Pia is always fascinated by my rings and plays with my fingers, touching each ring one by one. It gives me joy to know that when she is older I can tell her all the stories of each of these rings.

My evolving Sethi Stack serves as a visual manifesto of the values and dreams that drive me forward. These tiny circles, delicately balanced, mirror the delicate equilibrium between family, love, and the pursuit of purpose.

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